Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Life is tough..and the tough gets going..

For the past 1 year, I have been living a tough life...working late nights to earn the miserable pay just sufficient to support a family of 3. Being the main family support, I have to scrimp and save to cover the routine medicine expenses of the elderly.

With the financial turmoil and bad news surrounding us each and every day, there are times when depression sets in and at those moments, I stop and look at the clouds, the sunshine, feel the wind blowing across my face, listen for the sound of a child or an animal, any little detail that takes me away from my problem - anything that puts reality back in perspective and then I say out loud to myself that life goes on..

Sometimes, I can't help wondering how many more fortunate people around us who don't cherish people or happenings around them, driving around in Jaguars/Merz/BMW visting night spots and spend their money happily away... For commoners like us, we cherish our parents and our loved ones but yet life has little to offer us, or perhaps, we didnt fight hard enough for the better things in life so as to achieve..sometimes opportunity knocks once and go, and by the time we realise, it's gone..

If you happen to ponder upon my website, and you share the same sentiments as me, it is fate that we get to chance upon in life and whimper in despair the obstacles of life. However, if you find that you are more fortunate than me, and do not have to worry about the next day's meal or parents to support, and if you could extend a hand in helping out, you can help to lighten my load by making a donation to my POSB Savings Account: 056-27157-0

For those of you who are not staying in Singapore, you may do a funds transfer to my account details below:

Bank Name : DBS Bank (same even for POSB)
Institution code : 7171
Branch code : 081
Account Number : 056-27157-0

Thanks for your well-wishes and token of kindness..hope that we meet again in life sometime or later.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Watch Clip of Verdier Solar Power Roadtrip Van!

Want to get away, take a road trip, or live off-the-grid for a while?

Do it in this.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Video Proof of the Lift Floor Skipping Hack - Watch more free videos

Here's proof of that urban legend, the floor-skipping elevator hack, that we heard about a few months ago. This also proves most of the world is full of selfish beings (including us). In case you forgot, holding your destination floor and the close buttons simultaneously is said to put elevators into an express mode, passing all other stories like Superman flying up the side of the building. We have no clue whether this will work on some, most or all elevators, and our home ownership offers us no way to test the theory. So to anyone living in an apartment or vising the office today, try this hack out and let us know if it works in the comments. Because we're all on a need to know basis here.

No wonder my colleague, Ann, ever tried this method and proved to be able to work. However, another colleague of mine tried the same method but not able to. Personally, I tried before also not as effective. So to some people, it is effective, to others not. Coincidental?

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Bird Call Centre/Call Center (Real Stories)

Aussie take off, spin on indian call centers and trained parrots/birds taking their jogs

The above is kinda ridiculous but it is a real story as broadcast by youtube? Interesting indeed!

You would not know the frustrations of handling technical support calls till you get to work for a call's an awesome experience which not many cannot endure for long..and *Phew* imagine I got to survive in one place for 4 years!! Many of my colleagues left after a short spin of few months and to tell you, you need to be very patient to be able to offer support to end-users. Some of them hog your lines and imagine you have KPI to hit and need to end the call within your target time and yet solve the problem. Wasn't easy, but it's a matter of call tactics :-)

Nowadays, alot of companies outsourced their call centre and the more common ones are to India..

Indian Call Centre:

Amazing rite? How could the call centre allow a customer to step into the call centre operation centre and yet to let him handle call? Makes me ponder.. ??

This is another interesting video about one indian calling hotline for help:

An Indian has computer problems and calls tech support. Interactive voice recognition system can't understand his accent and transfers call to rep in India, who turns out to be his long lost cousin!!